
Looking for this song

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Home Forums Repertoire Looking for this song

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    I ran across this youtube video and I’m taking a shot in the dark, hoping someone will recognize it, or know if this is a published arrangement or if she arranged it herself. It’s Elvis Presley’s “can’t help falling in love.”

    I could probably figure it out myself but why go to the trouble if I don’t have to, right? 😉

    Aside: I’m kind of on the search for some new stuff, things people are familiar with, pop music, I guess. Not that I don’t love classical, because I do, I just want something different right now. Something that works well on lever and doesn’t seem “watered down” due to lack of pedals. Any suggestions? Thanks. 🙂


    Sounds like her own arrangement. There’s an arrangement in Sylvia Woods Groovy Songs of the 60s

    Gretchen Cover

    Check out the arrangement of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” by Frank Voltz (played on youtube by Michele Abbott of Vanderbilt Music) and the version by Jan Jennings (played by Lauren Baker on youtube). You just needed to look at a few more video clips:) Both are available at the websites selling harp music. I think Frank’s works on lever harp. I know Jan’s is lever harp friendly.

    Samantha B

    Hello! The video you linked is me and I made the arrangement myself. I’m looking into getting some of my arrangements published, but for the time being distributing the sheet music would be illegal. Cheers and good luck

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