
Re: st pat’s weekend gigs-what is everyone doing?

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Home Forums Coffee Break st pat’s weekend gigs-what is everyone doing? Re: st pat’s weekend gigs-what is everyone doing?

Leigh Griffith

The Kindred Harps are going to be playing for a benefit supper on
Saturday evening. It is to benefit the arts organization I belong to
and they will be feeding us after we play (we will be in a ‘front’ room
playing for folks as they arrive and wait in line.) There will be other
musicians playing later during the meal and dessert. I was planning to
go anyway, but this way only my hubby has to pay for a $15.00 ticket. I
know it isn’t being paid much, but for what other organization could I
volunteer to staff a gallery and bring my harp along to practice
between customers?

On Monday we will be playing in the gallery itself for three hours (with breaks as needed) with a donation basket available.

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