
Results for "volpe bligh"

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University of British Columbia School of Music

University of British Columbia School of Music

UBC has world-class performance facilities and academic courses, large and small ensembles. These include a symphony orchestra, two wind ensembles, and various chamber groups. Some large ensemble concerts at the Chan Centre are archived on the school website. Elizabeth Volpé Bligh gives weekly private lessons and also coaches 12 hours of studio classes (small group setting) in which the students receive instruction about various aspects of being professional harpists.

Day 23

Day 23

The only reason for mastering technique is to...

Harp Column Podcast Episode 87

Harp Column Podcast Episode 87

In this episode, host Dr. Kristina Finch explores six of Harp Column Music’s spookiest pieces, fun for Halloween and useful for many purposes beyond their slightly creepy nature!