This article extra is part of How to Host a Harpy Hour in this issue.

Zoom hacks for harpists

In the age of COVID-19, video meetings have become the way we gather. The Zoom app has emerged as one of the best platforms to stream private events online. Here are a few tips to improve your Zoom experience.

Zoom Hack #1: Zoom automatically uses echo cancellation, which wreaks havoc on live music. To ensure the best sound possible (with or without extra mics) turn on your “original sound” in Zoom. To do this on your computer in Zoom press the arrow next to Mute and go to Audio Settings > Advanced > tick “Show in-meeting option” to “Enable Original Sound” from microphone. There will now be a new box in the top left corner of the screen. Make sure you press “Turn On Original Sound” each time you start a new Zoom meeting. To enable original sound on a phone or tablet, scroll down to check out some useful YouTube tutorials.

Zoom Hack #2: Despite some initial reports of “Zoom bombing” (uninvited people hacking into a private meeting), Zoom has recently enhanced its security features to help prevent this from happening. Nevertheless, it is important to only share the link with people who have expressed interest in attending the concert. You also have the option of generating a password for people to enter. The free version of Zoom limits meetings to 40 minutes. If you pay for the “Pro” package ($14.99/month) your meeting times are not limited. your  and you can have up to 100 attendees per meeting.

Zoom Hack #3: Do not publicly share the Zoom link, as you do not want to compromise the safety of the meeting. Ask people to contact you directly to receive a link.

Facebook live hacks for harpists

Facebook live hack #1: When you take a selfie, it looks like your harp is on the wrong shoulder. Flip your camera in three easy steps!

  • Step 1—After you click the “go live” button, tap the “wand” for special effects.
  • Step 2—Click “settings” in the lower right corner.
  • Step 3—Tap the icon in lower left corner to flip screen vertically.

Facebook live hack #2:
Having trouble finding or sharing Facebook livestream concerts? Good news: you can create
a direct link to your live concert (and archived live performances) by sharing the Facebook page URL followed by “/live”
(i.e. The best part of this? The link works even for people who don’t have Facebook! Access is everything.

Useful YouTube tutorials