
Response to Sassoil, Strasenburg, Paret, Rosenbloom, V. Stanek, Burian, and Hermannsfeld

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Home Forums Forum Archives Professional Harpists Sassoil, Strasenburg, Paret, Rosenbloom, V. Stanek, Burian, and Hermannsfeld Response to Sassoil, Strasenburg, Paret, Rosenbloom, V. Stanek, Burian, and Hermannsfeld


Ada Sassoli, (1887?-1946), was actually a classmate of Salzedo’s I think, and they both graduated from the Paris conservatoire on the same day. Ada was among the first harpists to record as a soloist and she recorded music by Hasselmans and Zabel on Victor on the old 78rpm discs. I have a photograph on my computer if you’d like it; you might already have it though….She was also a most favoured student of Hasselmans and when Pierne was scouting for a young harpist to play the Konzertst?ck, Hasselmans immediately recommended Ada (even though Pierne chose the youthful Henriette Renie in her place). All of this information is not completely rock-solid. Have you read Owen’s “Eolian to thunder” ( a bio of Salzedo)? There is bound to be a lot of interesting info on Ada in this book and there is definitely an absolutely stunning photograph of she and Salzedo on graduation day in 1901.