
Re: Tannhäuser Act 2, scene 4 – difficult spot

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Home Forums Forum Archives Professional Harpists Tannhäuser Act 2, scene 4 – difficult spot Re: Tannhäuser Act 2, scene 4 – difficult spot

Olivier Herbin

So here goes my massively edited solution :
– both hands play eight 16th-notes per beat.
– left hand plays one octave higher than written: 32123212 per beat, up and down on the same strings, playing the exact harmony given by the first three notes of each beat. Running opposite is the right hand: 12321232, playing the exact notes written at each half-beat. That opposite feel is actually in the original part, towards the end. It still gives the impression of broken patterns, as it goes so fast.

In the words of Elizabeth, I would describe my editing as just a “brilliant sounding version with the right harmonies”, when no soft editing seems possible and time is short. It is very playable, enjoyable (!), with some possibilities for baton eye contact (!!).

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