
Re: Prokofieff Violin Concerto No. 1

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Home Forums Forum Archives Professional Harpists Prokofieff Violin Concerto No. 1 Re: Prokofieff Violin Concerto No. 1


I play section 58 pretty much as written, and it is fine as long as you don’t attempt to close your thumb every time. Just push off and rotate back to the next placement. In the fifth bar of reh. 58, I use a Gb enharmonic for the F#’s, then an Fb for the bottom E natural in the sixth bar. I return the F to # in the next bar, and the G to natural in the subsequent one. Second bar of reh. 59, I set an A# to use instead of the top Bb’s, to make the distance a seventh instead of an octave in the Bb major figures. On the last 3/4 bar before reh. 60, instead of the fourth D of each figure, I use the A#, so that I can keep doing the same pattern. I also have written in the instrument entrances.

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